
Widget edited by super-bee

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Greats Love
You bring me laughter when I'm down,
Always there to lift my frown...
You hold me tight when I'm cold,
You'll stand by me till I grow old...
Loving me like no other,
Gentle and sweet just like a mother...

Your love is pure forever true,
Inside my heart is a place for you...
The touch of your lips against my skin,
Softness so smooth brushing along my chin...
Words of compassion forever sweet,
How ever was I so lucky to have meet...

My dearest love I hold so dear,
For never do I have to fear...
Honest and truthful in loving me,
Always and forever it is she...
The woman I love and have given my heart,
To live this life and never depart...

A beauty I found upon thee eye,
Captured my heart and I chose to be by...
Her side through good times and
the bad,
To comfort and love her even when
she's sad...
She is my life she is my love,
She is the greatest gift from up
I'll Be Loving You
You don't have to say a word
You don't even have to speak
I can see pain in your eyes
The sorrow that you keep
Kau tak harus katakan sepatah kata Kau pun tak harus berbicara Ku dapat melihat luka di matamu Kesengsaraan yang kau simpan 

You think that no one notices
The sadness that you hide
But I can see straight through your mask
Those lonely nights you cried
Kau pikir tiada orang yang memperhatikan Kesedihan yang kau sembunyikan Tapi aku bisa melihat dengan jelas dari topengmu Malam-malam sunyi sepi yang kau tangisi 

I know that painful way you smile
When you're dying alone inside
Laughing, joking all the while
I can see how hard you've tried
Ku tahu kau seolah tersenyum untuk kepedihan Saat jiwamu sekarat sendirian Tertawa, bercanda sementara Ku lihat betapa berat kau coba 

And when you're lying on your bed
Every lonely night
I know you struggle not to cry
Or give up with your fight
I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
Through so many smiles,
And even more tears.

You accepted me warmly,
You love me so much.
I love your sweet smile,
I love your soft touch.

I love that you love me
The way that I am,
I love that you see me
Like no one else can.

I love that I love you
Like no one before,
I'd love you forever
And still I'd crave more.

I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
I'll be with you always
Til the end of time nears...
I Think of U
I'm trying 2 let u know how i feel
this love has never felt so real
Ur on my mind all night long
and every time i hear these songs
I think of u

You show me how true love feels
u make me think if this is real
When u say those last three words
i feel so good
and baby, i think of u

You do anything 2 make me happy
and everything 2 make me feel good
but there's nothing u could do
2 make me stop thinking of u

You'll always be in my heart
me and you will never part,
When i lay down 2 sleep
i can still see the visions of u & me
Ur on my mind day n night
i hope you'll never leave my side
Ur love 2 me means the world

that's why i always think of u
Los in Love
You used to hold me tight,
through all the pain that came.
We used to talk all night,
why can't it be the same?

I don't know what to do,
this love is all a lie.
You used to hold me up,
and now you make me cry.

All that we have been through,
brought all my love to you.
Why are we giving up?
we can't say it's through.

I love you more than life,
your everything to me.
This isn't what I dreamed,
Oh baby. please help it be
Love you Forever
Don't try to open my heart,
you can only see is pain,
don't try to search yourself in me,
you will find yourself in my heart and brain.

As the time goes by,
I miss u much,
I want to kiss you hard
and i want to touch.
I want to make you feel,
that i love you until,
till the day i die,
I won't make u cry.
If you will be confused,
I will show you the way,
I will love you forever and ever,
like how much i do today.
I'll never leave you alone,
even if there will be none,
I'll never make you feel sad,
even if you're doing good or bad.
Its not lie,
Its true,
Its really hard,
to survive without you.
My Love For You Is Real
ometimes at night,
When I look to the sky,
I start thinking of you,
And then ask myself "why?"

"Why do I love you?"
I think and smile,
Because I know,
The list could run on for mile.

The whisper of your voice,
The warmth of your touch,
So many little things,
Make me love you so much.

The way that your kiss,
Fills me with desire,
And how you hold me,
With the warmth of a fire.

The way your eyes shine,
When you look at me,
Lost with you forever,
Is where I want to be.

The way that I feel,
When you are by my side,
A sense of completion,
And overflowing pride.

The dreams that I dream,
That all involve you,
The possibilities that I see,
The things that we can do.

How you finish the puzzle,
That lies inside my heart,
How deep in my soul,
You are a very important part.

I could go on for days,
Telling of what I feel,
But all you really must know is...
My love for you is real.
Without You
Without you, the city falls asleep softly,
Without you, the color disappears slowly,
Without you, the trees forget the wind,
Without you, the night is chagrined

Without you, my music does not amaze,
Without you, my hours are days,
Without you, my heart gets bored,
Without you, my steps are too heavy and not labored.

Without you, my thoughts prevent me from going to bed,
Without you, I do not distinguish the horizon ahead,
Without you, there are no heavens,
Without you, the time forgets its reasons.

Without you, I am afraid of the next day not chosen,
Without you, the haze conceals the splendid ocean,
Without you, I do not figure or picture anything pleasant,
Without you, I am wondering this question at this moment...

My love, where are you hidden?
Without you, my happiness is forbidden,
My heart without you, is not at all replete,
My life without you, is so incomplete...
You Are My Everything
You are my everything
My heart and soul
I thought I had dug my grave
But you pulled me out of that hole

When I am lost in the dark
You are my shinning light
You chase away the darkness
That haunts my dreams at night

You are my strength
That carries me to another tomorrow
You are my hope
That replaced my everlasting sorrow

You are my healer
That healed all my scars
You are my angel
Sent from the brightest of stars

puisi cinta bahasa inggris, puisi inggris, puisi bahasa inggris

When I thought there was nothing more
And my life was at an end
You came into my life
And my heart you did mend

You are my joy
That filled my empty heart
You made my life whole
When it was torn apart

When I found you
I was free from all torment
You are my angel
That was heaven sent

You mean so much to me
You are the only one I adore
You are my everything
I could ask for nothing more


Unknown November 7, 2013 at 2:45 AM


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